RE-POSITIONING engages both the unceded Country and site of The Substation. This body of work places Indigenous Knowledge physically and literally within the centre of a space. Recognising that institutions are founded upon a western value system, RE-POSITIONING critically examines the differences between the Indigenous and western value system. Through this examination and through practice the value of knowledge will be revealed. RE - POSITIONING is part of Hyphenated Biennial and was shown at the Substation from 3rd December 2021 - 9th April 2022.

Hyphenated Biennial

Hyphenated Biennial is a new artist-led project set to connect communities across Melbourne’s West, on the Lands of the Kulin Nation. The inaugural edition focuses on dialogues, solidarity and meaningful collaborations between First Nations and Asian diasporic artists.

With exhibitions, public programs and online experiences, the project will run from November 2021 to early 2022. Join in on the conversation with Hyphenated Biennial and reframe our views of the world today.

Through to Hyphenated Projects

Video Still from RE-POSITIONING

Photographs by Janelle Low


Gunyah Manu (Home Camp) (2022)


to listen deeply (2021)